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Feb. 21, 2023

Episode 98: Creepy People Chronicles - Volume 5

Episode 98: Creepy People Chronicles - Volume 5

We have another episode brought to you by the Creepy People! We start off with Brandy's horrifying story of how Ronald Gene Simmons went on a Christmas murder spree that devastated a small town. But she does give us somewhat of a palette cleanser sharing her experiences the Dover Lights.  Brandy also just happens to have written a book about them called Deep in the Hollow! Then we get to hear more from Caitlyn's interview with Kirsten Weiss, author of The Sword in the Scone, about her possibly witnessing astral prjection!  Finally, we had some fun doing a special occasion tarot read for our Patreon friend Kassie, and found out she has a prankster ghost named Carl. Careful not to say his name out loud! 🤫 

ICYMI: Tea & Tarot - Kirsten Weiss
Episode 34: A Witchy Whimsical Winter Special

This week we shared a promo for They're Terrified & Tipsy!

In addition to the Patreon, remember you can support the show via Apple Podcast Subscription, and drum roll please - our new Buzzsprout Subscription Feature for a shoutout in a future episode!

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AD Music from Uppbeat License YWG9BPO0I7XYQBBQ. Cover art by The Three Cs.

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