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Jan. 31, 2023

Episode 95: Cal Coburn Brown

Episode 95: Cal Coburn Brown

Episode 95 begins the two-part case series on Cal Coburn BrownHe terrorized a woman in Palm Springs before confessing to another brutal crime in Seattle.  By the end of part one we decided to do our regular tarot reading in part two.  Dark times!  If you're listening via our regular stream, come back next week for the conclusion of the case and our tarot reading for the episode.  The good news is that if you're a member of the Patreon or a subscriber on Apple Podcasts you'll get both episodes this week. 🎉   

We talked with Bob Ruff (of True Crime Binge) about our show, and as it turns out, the discussion turned to other topics because this particular case is exceedingly dark!  Check out this week's episode of True Crime Binge on 2/1. 

This week we share a promo for the Scottish Murders podcast! 

In addition to the Patreon, remember you can support the show via Apple Podcast Subscription, and drum roll please - our new Buzzsprout Subscription Feature for a shoutout in a future episode!  

If you're enjoying our podcast, please consider leaving a rating & review on Apple Podcasts.  It helps get us seen by more creepy people just like you!  Find us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Patreon,  & more!  If you have any true crime, paranormal, or witchy stories you'd like to share with us & possibly have them read (out loud) on an episode, email us at pnwhauntsandhomicides@gmail.com or use this link.  Another great way to support the show is by making a one time donation through BuyMeACoffee.

AD Music from Uppbeat License YWG9BPO0I7XYQBBQ. Cover art by The Three Cs.

Pastebin: for sources. 

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