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Nov. 29, 2022

Episode 86: Sold Down the River by a Gunnysack & The Story of the Supernatural Axe

Episode 86: Sold Down the River by a Gunnysack & The Story of the Supernatural Axe

We decided to do something a little bit different this week and try a Half & Half Episode.  No matter what flavor of creepy you're craving this episode will have something for you!  💀💰 👻❄️ 

Caitlyn's Story - Sold Down the River by a Gunnysack
Hauled back to Hood River from Bellingham, Washington our culprit would face justice in a case that makes history not once, not twice, but at least thrice. Frontier justice was swift, if you could get it, just like we've discussed in another other old-timey case series beginning with Episode 53: The Many Mysteries of the Ardenwald Axe Murders. This devious dope may have gotten a lot more than he bargained, however. Many aspects of the case were truly trend setting and revolutionary, though perhaps not the punishment.

Cassie's story -
The Story of the Supernatural Axe
WINTER IS COMING! So, naturally, we're visiting the snowy North! But we've been there before for several episodes.  Episodes 16 - for Skagway, Alaska Haunt, 31 - the Joshua Wade Homicides, as well as 58 & 59 to find out just how much Kirby D. Anthoney sucks! (just to name a few!) On this trip, we'll learn about a sweet father-daughter duo and their not so sweet demise. 🪓🥶 

This week we shared a promo for I Hate It, Let's Watch it!

AD Music from Uppbeat License YWG9BPO0I7XYQBBQ. Cover art by The Three Cs.

Pastebin: for Caitlyn's sources - Sold Down the River by a Gunnysack
Pastebin: for Cassie's sources - The Story of the Supernatural Axe

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