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Oct. 18, 2022

Episode 80: (Ruth) & Rolf Neslund The Unlikely Patron Saint of the Broken Bridge - Part 1

Episode 80: (Ruth) & Rolf Neslund The Unlikely Patron Saint of the Broken Bridge - Part 1

Rolf Neslund was surely anything but boring. This was the case starting from a very early age and held true well into his adulthood and love-life, which was replete with very complicated and often times overlapping romantic entanglements. Ruth & Rolf Neslund may have seemed an unlikely pairing...but then Rolf seemed an unlikely candidate for sainthood.

Today we shared a promo for Haunts, Graves, & Omens!

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AD Music from Uppbeat License YWG9BPO0I7XYQBBQ. Cover art by Chris & Cassie.
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