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June 7, 2022

Episode 61: $h!tsack Bobby Jack

Episode 61: $h!tsack Bobby Jack

Prepare for jet lag. We visit a long list of places with this case: Florida, Oregon, Washington, Iowa, Louisiana, Texas, South Carolina, Arizona, Tennessee, even British Columbia. We're reminded of the importance of proper evidence collection as this episode stirs some memories of both Episode 13 as well as other cases where DNA led to the discovery of the alleged perpetrator (like in Episode 43). We've also stumbled onto some other incredibly sad case topics that will no doubt spill into the weeks to come. The chilling account shared with 48 hours by one of his surviving victims puts into focus the absolutely horrific deeds of Bobby Jack Fowler. 

This week we're sharing a promo for The Manic Pixie Weirdo podcast!

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Intro/Outro Music from Uppbeat License I74RAVIRTFQ4CRXE AD Music from Uppbeat License YWG9BPO0I7XYQBBQ Pastebin: for sources. 

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