April 26, 2022

Episode 55: The Peculiarium / Bandage Man

Episode 55: The Peculiarium / Bandage Man

We're back to the spooky & kooky this week with special guest, Cody (Caitlyn's much taller brother). We even gave him his very own mic this time! First, we'll start off by discussing a fun, weird museum in downtown Portland, Oregon - The Freakybuttrue Peculiarium!!! Then... do you smell that? That's Cannon Beach's local urban legend, Bandage Man! We come up with come wild conspiracy theories about who could be behind the incredibly ooky tales of The Bandage Man... Stay tuned for a couple surprises in our tarot reading too!  Our TikTok of the Peculiarium!

Witch Theatre Podcast!  - Two friends and practicing witches watch movies and tv shows about witches and horror! Come sit for a spell!   Witch Theatre Instagram

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Intro/Outro Music from Uppbeat License I74RAVIRTFQ4CRXE Creepy Story Music from Uppbeat License GETOLIAURJWMPSVX AD Music from Uppbeat License YWG9BPO0I7XYQBBQ Pastebin: for sources. 

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