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Feb. 8, 2022

Episode 43: 44 years later - We have some feelings...

Episode 43: 44 years later - We have some feelings...

This episode takes us to a scenic and somewhat isolated stretch of Seward Highway in Alaska, just south of Anchorage to take a look at a decades old crime.  It's a gruesome case that would remain unsolved for many years.  Though not for lack of trying on the part of the Shelley Connolly's family, or the dedicated cold case unit.  Before we reach the conclusion of our episode this week we'll end up closer to home, near our neck of the woods of the PNW.  Of all places - Gresham, Oregon.  That's only after hitting some of the local watering holes in Anchorage for good measure.  Unfortunately, the end of the story is a little bit unsatisfying because truth be told we haven't heard the end of this story in the strictest sense.  As our justice system attempts to make sense of competing interests on behalf of the victim and family, as well as the civil rights of the accused we can't help but feel like we're left in limbo.

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Backing music by The Fiechter Bros
Intro mashup remixed by Ryan “RCX” Murphy, original music composed by Ghost Stories Inc and https://uppbeat.io/t/ak/mystic-forests
License code: I74RAVIRTFQ4CRXE
Pastebin: for sources. 

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