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Sept. 28, 2021

Episode 21: The Island of Dead Men Haunt

Episode 21: The Island of Dead Men Haunt

This week we take you up to Vancouver, British Columbia to talk about one of Canada’s spookiest Islands… The Island of Dead Men! Also known as Deadman’s Island, it has been the source of many territorial disputes. One such dispute leading to a massacre! But the death does not stop there. We uncover many more morbid events lending to the island's current haunted reputation! Some believe the island may be cursed, and we think you might feel the same after this episode…

Book Quoted- Legends of Vancouver by E. Pauline Johnson

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We have something new and exciting to announce.  *Drumroll please!*  We're Birdie Ambassadors!  Birdie is the modern personal safety alarm made for women, by women.  When threatened, activate Birdie's LOUD siren and flashing light to create a diversion.  She's light-weight and comes in five colors.  Use our Ambassador Link and coupon code to receive 10% off your purchase.

Intro/Outro Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: I74RAVIRTFQ4CRXE
Cover art by Chris & Cassie
Pastebin for sources. 

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