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July 5, 2021

BONUS EPISODE - 'Completed Suicide' VS. 'Died By Suicide'

BONUS EPISODE - 'Completed Suicide' VS. 'Died By Suicide'

We all know we need to choose our words carefully when speaking about heavy topics such as suicide. We wanted to make a correction on a term we have been using to refer to suicide that we found out was not the best choice of words after all. We will never stop trying to learn and do better and we hope the same for all of you creepy people!

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 800-273-8255
Oregon Health Authority Crisis Lines
Suicide Prevention Information
Speaking of Suicide

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If you have any true crime, paranormal, or witchy stories you'd like to share with us & possibly have them read (out loud) on an episode, email us at pnwhauntsandhomicides@gmail.com. 

Intro/Outro Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: I74RAVIRTFQ4CRXE
Cover art by Chris & Cassie 

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