June 28, 2024

Nancy & Dan Brophy

Nancy & Dan Brophy


Nancy & Dan Brophy - this is their story. Embarking on a literary journey to uncover the intricate details of Nancy Crampton Brophy's case, we delve into her aspirations as a romance/thriller writer as well as her less glamorous role as an insurance salesperson. But beneath the facade of a seemingly ordinary life lay a sinister secret: the cold-blooded murder of her husband, Daniel Brophy. Join us as we navigate the investigation and trial, unraveling the breadcrumbs of deception that ultimately led to justice prevailing.

The home of Nancy & Dan Brophy a teal home with bright yellow door seen from between large shrubbery on either side of the walkway from the street to their front door.

Crampton Brophy's Aspirations and Missteps

Nancy Crampton Brophy yearned to leave her mark on the literary world, penning tales of love, intrigue, and also - murder. However, her aspirations often outstripped her abilities, with her writing falling short of recognition and her financial prospects dwindling. Desperation began to creep in, fueling a plan that would forever alter the course of not only her own life, but those of many others. 

The Murder of Daniel Brophy

On June 2, 2018, the culinary world of Portland suffered a tragic loss when Daniel Brophy, the beloved chef and owner of the Oregon Culinary Institute, was found murdered in his own kitchen prior to the start of classes that day. Surveillance footage and ballistic evidence quickly implicated Nancy Crampton Brophy, shattering the illusion of a loving marriage. A ghost-gun, along with some unusual behavior and internet searches would help the authorities develop a clearer picture of the crime.  

The Oregon Culinary Institute or "OCI" logo for the downtown Portland Based trade school

The Investigation and Trial

Detectives meticulously pieced together a damning case against Crampton Brophy. Her car was seen near the crime scene, and her gun matched the murder weapon. Incriminating texts and financial records further exposed her motive: a desire for insurance payouts and freedom from a failing and financially fraught marriage.

Breadcrumbs of Deception

Crampton Brophy's attempt to craft a different ending to her story was doomed from the start. She left a trail of digital footprints that betrayed her actions: essays on killing your spouse, incriminating, if circumstantial, online searches, and numerous life insurance policies, underwritten by none other than Nancy herself. 

Mistakes that Led to Conviction

Several glaring mistakes contributed to Crampton Brophy's downfall:

  • The timing of her husband's death: It coincided suspiciously with the expiration of his life insurance policy, raising red flags.
  • Contradictory statements: Crampton Brophy's initial statements to police were inconsistent with later evidence, casting doubt on her credibility.
  • The lack of a legitimate alibi: She failed to provide a convincing account of her whereabouts during the time of the murder.
  • Exposing her motive: Her writings and financial dealings revealed a clear motive for wanting her husband out of the picture.

Google Maps image of Downtown Portland illustrating where the Oregon Culinary Institute also the scene of the crime was - near KGW Studios & Blue Star Donuts

Zoomed in Google Maps image of Downtown Portland illustrating where the Oregon Culinary Institute also the scene of the crime was - near KGW Studios & Blue Star Donuts

Conclusion: Justice Prevails

Following a trial that gripped the nation, Nancy Crampton Brophy was found guilty of murdering her husband in 2022 roughly 3 years after the senseless crime. Her attempt to write a different ending to her story had come crashing down around her, exposing the dark underbelly of a duplicitous dame. The breadcrumbs she left behind served as a testament to the flaws in her plan and the tireless efforts of law enforcement in bringing justice to the victim and his family.

As we conclude our exploration of the Nancy Crampton Brophy case, we encourage you to listen to our related episode, "Episode 63: Duplicitous Dame - The Brophy Case," available at https://www.pnwhauntsandhomicides.com/episode-63-duplicitous-dame-the-brophy-case/. Join us for an in-depth discussion of the trial, the evidence, and the ripple effects of this tragic crime.