Child Abuse Suffocation Ame Deal Locked in a Box
Child Abuse Suffocation Ame Deal Locked in a Box. In this heartbreaking episode, we explore the tragic story of Ame Lynn Deal and the brutal abuse she endured. Yes, sadly in this child abuse case she was literally locked in a box and died of suffocation. At just 10-years-old she had already endured horrific abuse most people couldn't fathom either enduring or perpetrating on another person, much less an innocent child. First responders and others close to the case still had difficulty discussing Ame's sad, short life of torture even years later without getting emotional. There's never an excuse, and there's no instance of child abuse that is acceptable, but it's certainly one of the worst cases that we're aware of in recent years. As awful as this case was to research, write about, and then eventually record we are truly grateful that a Patreon subscriber suggested the case. Instances of child abuse are especially heinous particularly when it results in the child's eventual death by suffocation or any other means but stories like Ame's need to be shared. If sharing her story can prevent the suffering of just one child or the loss of just one innocent life it's worth it every time. All child abuse cases are horrific and sadly this story ends just as described in the title. Ame's horrific child abuse and death by suffocation case did eventually spur changes to Arizona's child protection system giving the local community impacted by Ame's death hope for preventing another tragedy in the future. No child deserves to die - certainly never for simply wanting a popsicle on a hot day. ðŸ˜